Friday, 16 November 2012

Gyaru Japanese Diet 〜( ̄▽ ̄〜) (〜 ̄▽ ̄)〜

Heyoooooo (。⌒∇⌒)。
So I wanted to do this post because i've noticed that a lot of gaijin gyaru are trying to lose weight. I guess it's because the japanese clothing sizes like d.i.a and liz lisa are quite smaller then the European and American clothes. And like every other gyaru on the planet, we all want to fit into our favorite clothes right?These tips are all from egg and ranzuki magazine diet sections so please understand that I'm not a nutritionist.
1.Do  Eat 2 boiled eggs for breakfast!
Eating breakfast gets your metabolism going. 2 boiled eggs are only 140 calories and they really fill you up.Don't believe me? Sumo wrestlers skip breakfast to get bigger!
2. Do Eat Cabbage
Cabagge has only about 8 calories in 1 cup. Not only that but it fills you up so quickly and it tastes delicious!

3. Do count calories
This way, you can keep track of what you eat and it's harder to over-eat.

4.Do exercise at least 2 hours a day 5 days a week. I personally love badminton, hot yoga and tae kwon do .Exercise also curbs your cravings

5. Do eat dark chocolate
BECARFUL don't eat too much, 15 grams is plenty to satisfy your sweet tooth. Dark chocolate contains  theobromine and phenylethyamine, which help get your mood up  (ノ≧∀≦)ノ

6. Do eat smaller portions every 2 hours

Personally, I eat every 2  hours in small portions. However, I eat from separate food groups because it helps digestion. For example, at around 9 am, I'll eat 2 boiled eggs. At 11 am, I'll eat 1 cup apples. At 1 pm. I'll eat 100 grams of chicken breast etc.

7. Don't eat after 7 pm
Eating after 7 pm will make you store more fat. I tend to eat at around 6:30 and go jogging after.

8. Don't eat bread, pastries, oatmeal and fried foods.

9. The half bath
This is something i've personally tried and I don't enjoy it. It's pretty much just sitting in a half full steaming bath and not getting your top half wet for 30 mins. Then you get in a cold shower and repeat. All you do this way is loose water weight.

10. Don't take diet pills
 They're bad for you and your health. As soon as you stop them, you gain all the weight back

11. Drink 5 cups of green tea.
Green tea boosts your metabolism and  helps you burn 100 cals per day just by drinking it

12. Drink cold water
Your body burns more calories heating it up so you burn about 5 cals per cup of cold water.

13.Eat vegetables, low sugar fruits and A LOT of fish and seafood

Thank you for reading this article and good luckv(@ーεー@)
I'll be making more articles on my weight loss updates and inspo.


  1. Those women are NOT healthy in any way! Although I myself am on a diet, I don't wish to see anyone going too far with it.

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